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Welcome to Emily Mae Travels

 Hello World! My name is Emily Mae and I'm a Virginia based wannabe adventurer. I can't express how excited I am to be starting this blog. This isn't my first foray into the blogging world, I actually ran a pretty successful blog in my teen years. But my passions and interests have changed, so I'm creating this space to share my travel adventures. I think everyone had different ways of coping with Covid and the aftermath of Covid. Before the pandemic hit, I was a very active, outdoorsy person. There was no amount of hours I wouldn't drive for a good sunset, I was hiking every weekend, I thrived off being outdoors. And then Covid hit, and I was quarantined for over a year. Even once I got the vaccine and was able to move more safely through the world, it was very hard for me to get back out there. I had been stationary for over a year, my fitness was dismal and my muscles were atrophied (or felt like it). Suddenly I couldn't handle extreme heat and didn't fee

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